#geojson adjusted data-sets
for #serbia #croatia #slovenia #montenegro #bosniaandherzegovina #macedonia with d3.js map examples. (data adjusted from natural-earth).
Motivation for this mini project was because there is a lack of official shape files (shp) data-sets and the need to do some visualizations in d3.js lib. Final results with complete map examples can be found at serbia geojson - my site on faculty servers. This adjusted data-sets are useful if you want to do some kind of visualization with d3.js lib so feel free to use full map examples, tough a backlink to this site or my faculty site is appreciated.
As for the linux part of this post, tool used to convert shape files to geojson is ogr2ogr from gdal project.
Also if you're looking to convert geojson to topojson, tool you're looking for is topojson lib from node.js [ sudo npm install topojson ] assuming you have npm (node packet manager) and node.js server.
Once again full d3.js examples and adjusted data-sets for Serbia and countries in the region can be found here.
Note: There is a fun dataset for former Yugoslavia for Yugo nostalgic people. :)
see you soon.